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Why You Don't Like Insurance?

In advance nations like America, Japan, Singapore and other, insurance becomes a inseparable requirement. They feel is balmy if having insurance, and of course proven they are far more secure and prosperous and well guarantedly because having insurance.

But why some people still don't like insurance, avoids, doesn't feel requires, and various ideas of other negativity.

There is matters making idea of screw pine wide public like that :

The claim is hard
In insurance world, when client has owned policy and does claim, if condition and binded have been pursuant to asked hence the side of insurance have to pays for the claim. But why many insurance company cases doesn't pay ? The thing can be because of:

  • Clauses asked incomplete. If this thing happened, automatically claim cannot be paid. Tips: read clearly clauses which there is in policy and asks explanation to agent. Usually insurance company gives time to client for studies policy, otherwise agreed annihilable. Only cut by administration expenses and medical check up (if is exist).
  • Insurance agent that is is not gives explanation in detail. Takes a care with a kind of this agent, because purpose of they are closing as soon as possible (commission) so that they don't explain in detail condition and way of claim applied. If you feels meets a kind of this agent, you can report the agent to company . If proven, the agent can be litigated judicially.
If you feels has given as according to clauses asked but the company still doesn't pay, you can report the thing to Insurance Institute and if need to install denunciating in newspaper.

Only throws away money
The existing insurance product have been adapted for requirement and public desire, that is paying cheapest, but getting big benefit, if possible to Free!

Last insurance product of course can be told a few weighing, where when we pay for, we still getting protection. But when we have doesn't pay a period of pot is clean contract, if happened something with us hence insurance company have been irresponsible again. About like car insurance.

Hence from that is the existing there insurance where we are enough paying 5 year only, or 10 years only, or 2 year only, even only pays for 1 times only, but us remain to gets protection up to our age 75 thoriums, 85 thoriums even 100 thoriums, depends on rule of each company.

Oppositely can? Because in the existing insurance product, money which we remit not all to pay for premium, but partly in investing, as saves in bank getting interest. So payment of the next premium when we had didn't remit again, paid from return investment (interest) gotten.

To be more explains about this product can read it in unit link article.

Deception insurance only. Is strong company? If dull how?
Tips: insurance company searching having track good record, for example have never there are denunciating in newspaper, and whether the company have stood stripper? Many insurance companies residing has stood to 100 years. If the company had stood to 100 years and has track good record, I think them will not destroy the image by the way "looks for case" with client. If the company is deceiver, will stay during the time? There is also insurance cooperating with Government bank, automatically the insurance company surely is believe with government.

Is Insurance Have Benefit?

The answer: YES!

Why? Oppositely can that be sure?

Risk is something thing which cannot be avoided, can happened to whom just and we will never know when the risk there will be. Always how? Is earning we to do is minimization as result of happened from the risk. The intention?

Life insurance intrinsically is a risk what overflows (risk shifting) for finance loss (financial loss) by "The insured" (client) to "Underwriter/the insurer" (insurance).

(Term is upper able to see in article "Terms In Insurance")

Remembers, which accounted on non our life or soul, because we are not in command to our life, but monetary loss in consequence of loss of someone soul or because reaching old age so that not productive again..

The example like this, when a family head at the same time as the breadwinner experience a situation that is is not is anticipated so that the family head haves no again gives maintenace for family, hence the side of insurance will give a number of moneys with certain value to the family head or heir, be the wife or chlid. Amount insured is given on the chance of can replace function of the family head as wage earner. So economics life of the family still can take place as usual.

Any kind of which can run as usual when client to get amount insured?
  • Living cost for everyday like to eat, telephone, electrics etcetera still can be paid as usual.
  • Child earns still go to school in favorite school, not necessarily remove child in cheaper school where quality of the lower education.
  • If possibly had installment or credit, still can be paid from amount insured which we earn.
  • Some of amount insureds earns in investing in house, soil;land;ground, gold or other to draw up future. Or earns also applied to open a business where result from the usable business for requirement of everyday life, who knows the business earns ever greater.
Now does you have agreed that insurance of course good for we all? If we like to knows insurance product what which compatible and as according to us, please see in article "Tips How To Choose Insurance".

Tips how to choose insurance

When choosing insurance, which we must pay attention to be Insurance Company and Product.

What we the company soybean cake can either or no? Following some things which you must know:
  • Does our friends many taking product from the insurance company?
  • Is the insurance company often admission in newspaper relates to client complain? Attentive with insurance company like that although the client complain correctness is not guaranted.
  • Comes from which state of the insurance company?
  • For how long the insurance company stands up?
  • How much is value RBC ( Risk Based Capital) the insurance company?
  • How much is asset value under management the company?
  • How much is value rating given by Standart & Poor's, Moodys and Fitch to the insurance company? Standart & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch is notable independent rating agencies in world.
Chooses insurance company having good reputation would hardly assists so that we don't get difficulty when we to do insurance claim.

Insurance product must be adapted for requirement of the client.
  • Client must accomodate level of payment of premium and amount insured as according to ability or requirement of client. Didn't force takes too big amount insured otherwise solvent, because will weigh. But also didn't take undersize pertanggung money if client was people from circle resided or rich, because the amount insured becoming not means for people from the circle.
  • Select product which invests in (unit link), because having added significance many than traditional insurance products. Value setoran and how many times setoran earns we to accomodate x'self as according to our ability. Besides getting protection, also gets return investment is earning we to liquefy any time. To be more explains about unit product link, sees in article "What Is Unit Link?"
  • Takes rider insurance matching with the one which is required only. Like replacement of expense of Hospital is better if you takes, because would hardly lightens you when the thing happened. Other facility like pain, weiver, total permanent disability earned you to take if requires it.
  • Applies to insurance agent to explain possible sedetail of facility which you earns. When starts implementaion? How to claim it? How long process? When return investment can start taken? Are there cost?

What Is Unit Link?

Unit link insurance product is evolution from traditional insurance product which have been more adapted for requirement of client and has excess compared to traditional insurance product especially at investment value.

Understanding in easy to was, unit insurance product link looked like if we to save in bank. If in bank we only get interest, in unit insurance product link besides getting our return investment also gets protection of soul and health.

Does correctness result of its earns equal to that?

Payment at unit insurance product link is not all paid for premium, but partly are put into investment, or usualy is called as Top Up. This Up Top process by company Fund Manager to get result.

To where the capital fund is allocation?

Cash Plus
This choice offers result of expansion of optimal investment in short term period until middle passed instrument of money market. This type has level of low risk. ROI average of is 3%-7% per year.

Fixed Income
This choice offers result of expansion of interesting investment in intermediate term period through investment at obligation and instrument of permanent earnings like deposit, rate of interest and share. This type has level of medium risk. ROI average of is 10%-14% per year.

Balanced Fund
This investment offers interesting expansion result in intermediate term period through investment at permanent share and obligation or earnings like deposit and rate of interest. Level of risk medium-high. ROI average of is 18%-25% per year.

Investment choice offering result of expansion of interesting investment of long-range period draught passed investment at share and instrument money market like deposit and rate of interest. Has level of high risk with higher level return investment potency. ROI average of is 40%-60% per year.

So, earns we to conclude excellence of unit link is:
  • Period of investment actively equiped with by protection.
  • Flexible
  • Better result potency
  • Fund management by manager professional invesment.
  • Tax-exempt facility as according to government ordinance applied.
  • Fulfills client demand with various planning of invesment product + protection.
  • Long-range service professionally to fulfill continual long-range requirement from client.
  • Gives more alternative of product matching with development and fluctuation of market.
  • Number of policy cash in direct corollation to invesment performance from fund type selected.
  • The price of fluctuation unit corresponds to fluctuation intrumen invesment at fund type selected.
  • Unit policy link is more suitably for policy holder having a purpose investment of intermediate term to long and ready to receive fluctuation of unit value in short term.
(this article based on condition of investment of unit link in Indonesia)

Terms In Insurance

Contract letter loading agreement of life insurance between Policy holders and the Insurer.

The insurer
Insurance company.

The insured
Someone who upper of soul is made an agreement with life insurance.

Policy holder
Someone or an institute making an agreement life insurance with underwriter.

Someone or institute which name written in policy as which [ to receive amount insured if the insured to pass away.

Amount insured
A number of moneys which written in policy which will be paid by underwriter to policy holder or referred if conditions for the purpose had fufilled.

A number of moneys which must be paid by Policy holder to the insurer referring to the existence of agreement of life insurance.

A Period of Insurance
Period where the insured is obliged to pay a number of Premi which has been determined to the insurer.

A number of moneys which must be paid by the insurer to the insured in the event of risk underwritten.

Medical Check Up
inspection of Health experienced by candidate the insured.

Additional to Insurance policy which is part of extending contract or limits benefit.{subid}